
We interrupt this broadcast…

…to explain how this next piece came to be.

I had actually been working on this for some time before I even started on the human body. I love mouths – they’re super-interesting, have about a million different expressions, and can convey so many different emotions!

Not “love” in a creepy way. Just fascinated.

So most of these are mine [#selfie], one or two are my brother’s, a couple of celebrities, and another one or two are people I know. The point was to catch different expressions so I had to be creative in order to find the right ones. I ended up with three extras which didn’t fit into the final piece, so I tossed them. This is all I’m doing on mouths (at least for now).


The originals (again, these are not the best quality) have more of a smudginess and smoky quality to them. Scanning and printing has rid them of some of that.

I can truly say that I do believe I am VERY happy with these. 😀